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How To Find the Right Managed IT Company

Using a managed IT company has become a popular option for everything from small businesses to large-scale enterprises to take control of their IT. Around 60% of organizations are projected to have a moderate to a significant increase in technology spending in 2023. Considering there are 5 billion internet users, making technology key to reaching customers, that trend isn’t going to change any time soon. IT companies have also played an important role, as they replace or support in-house IT and help trim rising tech costs.

Receiving managed IT services isn’t just about meeting certain checkboxes but also getting proactive IT support and enabling employees who may struggle with technology. With 62% of consumers valuing knowledgeable service providers, having personable and experienced IT technicians is also a key factor. Finding the right managed IT company isn’t always easy, though, especially in areas with many options. In this week’s blog post, we’ll help with that process by discussing how to find the right managed IT company for your business.

What Is a Managed IT Company?

A managed IT company is a third-party organization that offers IT service management to its clients. They use a mixture of proactive solutions to prevent IT issues and response services to fix problems as they arise. Some main reasons to use a managed IT company are cutting costs, fixing lingering problems, improving reliability, upgrading infrastructure, IT management, and affordable access to experienced IT staff. Most provide the option to mix and match services, allowing businesses to choose what they need most.

Collect Information Before Reaching Out

To better find the right managed IT company, gathering basic information will help prepare for the process. Not only will that help you narrow down the list of potential IT providers, but it’ll also save everyone time throughout the discussions.

Basic Information to Gather

The number of users

Anyone who uses technology within a business and needs IT support coverage counts as a user.

The number of devices

Most businesses get managed support for their computers. Services can also be provided for most devices, like phones, tablets, printers, cameras, and more.

Software used

IT companies can manage software subscriptions, like Microsoft 365, and provide a lower bulk per-user cost than direct purchases.

Current IT problems

While technicians can handle issues as they arise, it’s beneficial to everyone involved to have a list of current IT problems that need to be fixed.

Technology budget

Knowing the technology budget ahead of time can help set realistic boundaries for what services can be given at different price points.

Technology gaps

If there’s a technology-related area a business wants to improve in, whether it’s hardware upgrades or overhauling workflow, you should note that gap.

Types of IT services needed

Managed IT companies can help with everything from in-person support to remote helpdesk services. Make sure to list out and communicate those needs.

Additional Information to Consider

While not always required, businesses should also be forward-thinking when using a managed IT company. Looking at a business’s long-term can give a better understanding of what type of IT services will be required.

Projected growth 

Most businesses are looking for new growth opportunities. If the employee count or needs are expected to change over time, then scalable services are essential.

Long-term goals 

Whether wanting to enter a new market or provide a new service, it’s vital to have an IT partner that can keep up with those changes.

IT expectations 

If there are specific expectations, such as solid customer service skills or 24/7 cybersecurity surveillance, they should be noted and communicated.

IT Consultations Can Provide Extra Insight

Not all organizations understand their technology needs. That can be especially true for small businesses that try to handle their IT in-house and don’t know where to start. Many service providers will give basic upfront IT consultations for free and more in-depth analysis at an hourly or flat rate. IT consultations are most effective when done early in the process.

Create a List of Managed IT Companies

With the information gathered and in hand, you can begin creating a list of managed IT companies to consider. The data to make this list can be sourced in several different ways. The goal is to target providers that best match your business model and have a positive reputation, which increases the chance of a successful and productive partnership.

Start With Local Managed IT Companies

Not all organizations understand their technology needs. That can be especially true for small businesses that try to handle their IT in-house and don’t know where to start. Many service providers will give basic upfront IT consultations for free and more in-depth analysis at an hourly or flat rate. IT consultations are most effective when done early in the process.

Gather IT Company Recommendations

Not all organizations understand their technology needs. That can be especially true for small businesses that try to handle their IT in-house and don’t know where to start. Many service providers will give basic upfront IT consultations for free and more in-depth analysis at an hourly or flat rate. IT consultations are most effective when done early in the process.

Look Online for Reviews and Testimonials

Not all organizations understand their technology needs. That can be especially true for small businesses that try to handle their IT in-house and don’t know where to start. Many service providers will give basic upfront IT consultations for free and more in-depth analysis at an hourly or flat rate. IT consultations are most effective when done early in the process.

Search for On-site and Remote Managed IT Services

Not all organizations understand their technology needs. That can be especially true for small businesses that try to handle their IT in-house and don’t know where to start. Many service providers will give basic upfront IT consultations for free and more in-depth analysis at an hourly or flat rate. IT consultations are most effective when done early in the process.

Ensure The Managed IT Company Has a 24/7 Help Line

Not all organizations understand their technology needs. That can be especially true for small businesses that try to handle their IT in-house and don’t know where to start. Many service providers will give basic upfront IT consultations for free and more in-depth analysis at an hourly or flat rate. IT consultations are most effective when done early in the process.

Check How Long They’ve Been in Business

Not all organizations understand their technology needs. That can be especially true for small businesses that try to handle their IT in-house and don’t know where to start. Many service providers will give basic upfront IT consultations for free and more in-depth analysis at an hourly or flat rate. IT consultations are most effective when done early in the process.

Explore Company Websites for More Details

Not all organizations understand their technology needs. That can be especially true for small businesses that try to handle their IT in-house and don’t know where to start. Many service providers will give basic upfront IT consultations for free and more in-depth analysis at an hourly or flat rate. IT consultations are most effective when done early in the process.

Narrow Down the List of Managed IT Companies

At this point, you should have a solid list of managed IT companies to consider contacting. However, there’s a limit to how much information is found online. One may seem like a perfect fit and end up being a poor match. Another might appear to be lacking in a few areas but exceeds expectations. Most important is the type and quality of IT services that align with your business needs. Trimming the list of potential IT companies will prepare you for contacting them to gain additional information you didn’t already find.

To narrow down the list, you want to prioritize the areas you’re seeking the most help. Any IT company that doesn’t have a specific service or software solution you require can be removed from the list. From there, it’s a matter of comparing recommendations, reviews, testimonials, and how their services align with your business. Optimally you want to pick a top 5 or 10 and include a diverse mixture. Keep in mind the longer the list, the more time you’ll have to invest in the process, so the urgency of your needs is also a factor.

Prepare a List of Questions Before Reaching Out

While proper research and exploring possible IT services make a good starting point, a website or review can’t always address specific questions or concerns. Every business has different circumstances, goals, and needs, and the best way to see if a managed IT company can help with those is to ask. Before reaching out, it’s beneficial to prepare a list of questions ahead of time.

20 Examples of Questions to Ask a Managed IT Company

  1. What can you do to support our IT proactively?
  2. Do you offer remote helpdesk services?
  3. Can your technicians assist us on-site?
  4. Do you have a 24/7 emergency line?
  5. What is your average network uptime?
  6. What do you use for backup solutions to avoid lost data?
  7. Can you work with in-house IT staff?
  8. What types of clients do you currently serve?
  9. Can you handle the scale of our IT needs?
  10. Which types of devices or technology do you support?
  11. What cybersecurity strategies do you use to prevent data breaches or leaks?
  12. Do you provide cybersecurity awareness training?
  13. How many years have you been in business?
  14. How many employees do you have?
  15. What is your helpdesk ticket process?
  16. What certifications does your IT company have?
  17. What types of IT compliance do you provide?
  18. Can we schedule on-site meetings?
  19. How will you support our business strategy?
  20. In what ways can you help us lower costs?

Optionally Create a Request for Proposal (RFP)

Larger businesses should prepare an RFP form instead of a standard list of questions. RFPs are more in-depth information requests and require a greater baseline understanding of IT service needs and expectations. They are useful for taking quotes from multiple competing managed IT companies and require more time investment. Creating an RFP form can help compare equivalent services, methodology, pricing, and credentials at a higher level. They should be followed up with in-person or video call meetings once proposals are narrowed down.

Get in Touch with Each Managed IT Company

With everything prepared, the next step is reaching out to each managed IT company on the list. You can do that via phone, contact form, or email address. You’ll want to be upfront and give them a basic understanding of what kind of services you want. That can help them determine if they’re a good fit. If you leave a voice mail or send a message, you’ll likely get a response within 24 hours, but it can be longer during weekends or holidays. If you haven’t gotten a reply within seven business days, you can assume they cannot provide the requested services.

Schedule a Meeting to Discuss Managed IT Services

After you’ve heard back from the IT companies, schedule a meeting with each one to discuss the managed IT services your business needs. That is where the question list and RFP form can come in handy. Managed IT services aren’t just about managing IT infrastructure and solving IT problems. There’s a degree of personability involved with the process too, which isn’t easily represented in a bullet-point list of features. The meeting will be the best chance to voice any questions, concerns, and cost inquiries to get a feel for the company’s mindset and culture.

Taking Notes Can Be Helpful

The IT company should provide additional service details and likely a contract proposal to consider before or after the meeting. Depending on the setting, taking extra notes can help you remember any further information that documentation may not include. That can cover areas like answers to specific questions or general impressions of how the company presents itself.

Make Sure to Read Contract Terms Carefully

Reading contract terms and any included documentation is vital to ensure you’re getting the services you want and rates that match your budget. When possible, it’s worth having multiple core people look it over. That can give different perspectives and an opportunity to voice any questions or concerns. If something in the contract doesn’t align with needs or expectations, it also creates the opportunity to discuss that.

Understanding the Cost of Managed IT Services

Everything from paperclips to building leases can feel expensive when running a business. Managed IT services can look pricey upfront, even though they’re a good value over the long run. Hiring in-house IT support, even a single person part-time, can be expensive and unreliable as managed IT companies have greater staff, capacity, and expertise. You’re also not paying for someone to sit around all day; contracts are structured to provide effective services based on your needs. That comes at a discounted rate because providers serve multiple clients and don’t waste time waiting like an in-house technician.

Even when comparing different managed IT companies, there may be drastically different prices for similar-sounding services. Per-user rates commonly range anywhere from $100 to $250 a month, while per-device rates can range from $10 to $ 40 a month. The cheaper the services, the more likely the service provider is cutting corners to lower their costs. While it may save money in the short term, lingering IT issues can be costly through lost productivity and server uptime. That can quickly backfire on a business, which is not only an expensive mistake but can lead to needing to start the search process over again.

Cost comparisons are one reason having a list of questions, or an RFP form is recommended. That provides more objective insight into what the money is going towards and where the price differences are. In turn, businesses can compare the services and solutions offered and how that translates to different monthly costs. While cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean worse services, often with IT, what you pay is what you get back.

Picking the Right Managed IT Company

Once you’ve received all your finalized contract proposals, the last step is picking out the right managed IT company. At this point, it’s worth re-reviewing business needs, objectives, and future goals with technology usage. That keeps the decision-making grounded in looking at what will be most beneficial and effective for the price.

When choosing, there may not always be one right answer. Cost is usually one of the first differences between contracts. While rates can vary, the cheaper end of IT services is more likely to be cutting corners. On the flip side, expensive doesn’t always mean better either. This process aims to collect enough information, so it’s easier to understand what you’re paying for and what’s worth the expense.

The Best Managed IT Companies Provide Proactive IT

While not all IT issues can be entirely avoided or predicted, the best-managed businesses use proactive IT strategies. That means one of the primary goals is to prevent IT problems and cybersecurity threats before they happen. That is where a portion of the service cost goes, and its importance can’t be overstated. IT services can seem expensive when everything is running smoothly, but that’s often the sign of a well-managed infrastructure that’s getting enough budget allocated.

Communication Style Can Impact Services

Communication is an integral part of picking any managed IT company. IT Services aren’t just about handling IT infrastructure or solving unexpected IT problems. There’s a degree of personability involved with the process too. That isn’t easily represented in a bullet-point list of features or costs, which is a factor that goes both ways.

On the business side, employees must be aware of IT communication channels and feel comfortable with requesting help. There’s nothing wrong with stumbling with software or an unexpected issue. Managed IT companies also need to be patient and understanding with their clients. An IT issue that seems simple for a technician might be challenging to know for someone else. That’s why the relationship between a business and a service provider is best viewed as a partnership, as successful IT often involves a cooperative effort.

Managed IT Works Best as a Long-term Commitment

Like any long-term commitment, it’s important to give proper time, and attention to choosing a managed IT company. That means taking the time to read contract terms carefully. Reworking infrastructure and updating technology workflow is not something that any business wants to do frequently. Establishing a long-term relationship can lead to more consistent IT services and reliable cybersecurity. It also helps your IT partner to understand underlying technology needs and quirks, making solving issues and maintaining systems easier.

It’s Never Too Late to Discuss Costs

Service and price negotiations should be mostly completed at this point, but it’s never too late to follow up and see if the preferred managed IT company is willing to price match a competitor. Many organizations, like small businesses and non-profits, run on tight profit margins. Since it’s a long-term commitment, there’s never any harm in being upfront about budget concerns. IT providers may be able to offer a discounted rate or modify the contract terms to fit your budget better.

Signing The Contract

After you’ve made your choice, follow up with them, and plan a time to get the contract signed. It’s worth reading through all the documentation one more time to make confirm everything is as expected. Going through this process may seem lengthy and intimidating to some business owners but finding the right managed IT company to partner with is well worth the effort.

Get Managed IT Services with ITonDemand

As one of many nationwide managed IT companies, ITonDemand has been serving and satisfying customers for over 20 years. We have multiple office locations throughout the U.S. and provide both on-site and remote services to many surrounding States and regions. IT is our top priority, and we aim to offer our partners affordable and industry-leading IT support, cybersecurity, guidance, and technical expertise.

If you’re interested in an IT consultation, price quote, or more information about our managed IT services, get in touch via our contact form or call us at +1 (800) 297-8293

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